In this context, we can estimate the number of patients applicable for exon skipping therapy from the Leiden database ( (16). It is estimated that around 70% of patients with deletions can be treated by single exon skipping, rising to 90% if multi-exon skipping can be achieved (Table
(Table1).1). Multi-exon skipping has been demonstrated in vivo in mdx mice (25) and dystrophic dogs (Yokota et al., unpublished observation). Interestingly, phase 3 deletion of exons 45-55 is associated with a milder phenotype than other smaller in-frame deletions within the exon 45-55 range Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (Table (Table2)2) (26). Therefore, multi-exon skipping targeting exon 45-55 may well ameliorate the clinical phenotype of patients with in-frame deletions within this region, whether DMD or BMD. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In this context, the population of patients for whom exon skipping therapy is appropriate is probably larger than formally estimated. Even when patients would be theoretically treatable by single exon skipping, multi-exon skipping may well
be a better option if the resulting truncated protein is more functional. This “multi-exon skipping” strategy is likely to be attractive to pharmaceutical companies since the oligo cocktail can be regarded as “a single drug”, requiring only a single toxicology study. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical And, as suggested recently by Beroud et al., multi-exon skipping of exon 45-55 could rescue up to 63% of DMD patients (3). In addition, exon skipping for duplication was recently demonstrated in human cells (27), and around 80% of DMD cases with duplication mutations are also potentially treatable (25). A recent report by Kesari et al. using MLPA analysis, indicates that the population of BMD with duplication mutations
is higher than previously expected, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical suggesting that in-frame duplications often yield partially functional dystrophin protein, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and, therefore, that many out-of-frame duplications may be amenable to the exon skipping approach by targeting only a part of the duplicated region (Kesari et al., unpublished observations). Similarly, a considerable number of patients with selleck bio splice site mutations could also be treated with AOs. For example, a dog model of DMD, Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD) or Canine X-linked Muscular Dystrophy (CXMD) harbors a mutation in intron 6, which leads to the loss of exon 7 from AV-951 mRNA. We have recently shown that a cocktail of morpholinos targeting exon 6 and exon 8 can restore reading frame and dystrophin expression body-wide after systemic injections (Yokota et al., unpublished observations). Exon skipping therapy could also be applicable for many other types of mutation such as small deletions/insertions, missense mutations, and more complicated rearrangements, although extent of functional recovery after exon skipping might vary among targeted exons since some in-frame mutations lead to DMD rather than BMD, in contravention to the reading frame rule (discussed below). Table 1 Single exon skipping vs.