Samples of these supernatants were diluted with 0. 5 ml of Tris NaCl buffer pH 7. 2 at 30 C. Reactions were started by adding 2. 5 ml of 0. 244 mmol l NADH into the Tris NaCl buffer solution. Absorbance was measured at 340 nm, and contain the decrease in absorbance was followed every 0. 5 seconds for 2 minutes. the slope of the decrease showed the LDH activ ity. The percentage of LDH leakage was calculated using the ratio between e tracellular LDH activity and the sum of intracellular and e tracellular LDH activity, and results were e pressed as percentage of control values. Determinations were performed in triplicate for each sample, and the results averaged.
Single cell calcium imaging This was carried out essentially as described previously, using Fura 2 aceto ymethyl ester , a membrane permeable and calcium sensitive radiometric dye, to fluorimetrically measure variations in the intracellu lar free calcium concentration by monitoring its ratio of absorption at 510 nm upon e citation at 380 nm or 340 nm. Briefly, hippocampal neurons, plated onto cover slips, were loaded with 5 umol l Fura 2 Amol l and 0. 02% pluronic acid F 127 for 30 minutes in Krebs buffer supplemen ted with 0. 1% fatty acid free BSA, at 37 C in an incubator in a atmosphere of 95% CO2 5% O2. After washing three times with Krebs buffer to remove e cess probe, coverslips were placed in a superfusion chamber on the stage of an inverted fluorescence microscope. Hippocampal neurons were alter nately e cited at 340 and 380 nml using an optical splitter,and the emitted fluorescence was captured through a 40�� oil objective connected to a digital camera.
Acquired images were pro cessed using MetaFluor software. The areas of the cell bodies were drawn, and the average value of pi el intensities was evalu ated at each time point. Image acquisition was performed every second for a total of 35 minutes. Results were e pressed by plotting the time course of the ratio of fluores cence intensity emitted at 510 nm after e citation alternately at 340 and 380 nm. All of the compounds tested were prepared in Krebs buffer and added to the cultured neurons by superfusion using a rapid pressurization system in 95% O2 5% CO2. The basal ratio was measured for the first 2 minutes of the e periment, before the stimuli were made.
When present, 100 ng ml IL 1B was added for 5 minutes before the addition of 100 umol l glutamate, then the cells were incubated for a further 15 minutes, after which they were washed with GSK-3 Krebs buffer. To assure that the selected cell bodies belonged only to neurons, a challenge with 50 mmol l KCl was carried out at the end of each e periment. When the A2AR antagonist, the p38 inhibitor, or the JNK inhibitor were tested, each of these drugs was incubated with the cells for 20 to 40 minutes before the beginning of the e periment, and was present throughout the e periment. Statistical analysis Values are presented as mean SEM.