People with Diabetes Mellitus tend to suffer from acute and chronic complication. One of complication is a major cause of death in Diabetes Mellitus is a disease of the kidney. Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 with Chronic Kidney Disease at Dr. Abdul Moeloek General Hospital Bandar Lampung 2012–2013. Methods: This type of research is descriptive analytic. Research data collection was conducted using cross sectional study design by medical record. The number of the sample in this study amounted to 650 people with the sampling technique
is total sampling method. In this research, statistical test using the chi-square. Result: From the results, the patients Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in internal medicine room at Dr Abdul Moeloek General Hospital Bandar Lampung 2012–2013 totaled 460 people with patients Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and Chronic Kidney Disease totaled DNA Damage inhibitor 155 people. Where as only Chronic Kidney Disease totaled190 people. Conclusion: There is a relationship between Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and Chronic Kidney Disease at DR Abdul Moeloek General Hospital Bandar
Lampung 2012–2013. Key words: Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Chronic Kidney Disease. 230 THE USE OF THRICE WEEKLY DOSES OF CINACALCET IN NON-COMPLIANT END-STAGE RENAL FAILURE PATIENTS ON HAEMODIALYSIS M HARFIELD1,2, R JAYALATH1,2, G KAN1,2 1Department of Nephrology, The Townsville Hospital, Townsville, Queensland;2The School of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University Queensland Australia, Australia Aim: To determine whether cinacalcet given post haemodialysis under direct observation, three times a week is an effective treatment strategy in poorly compliant, end stage renal failure patients. Background: Cinacalcet is used for the treatment of refractory secondary hyperparathyroidism in end-stage renal disease. Intolerance and poor compliance with daily
dosing leads to treatment failure. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we reviewed the PTH levels obtained during standard monitoring for haemodialysis patients currently on cinacalcet therapy. 20 out of 70 patients currently maintained on haemodialysis were directly observed taking their cinacalcet dose immediately post dialysis, in comparison with 50 patients who had been prescribed the once daily dosing. Patients selected for this treatment had failed conventional therapy either through side effects or issues with poor compliance. The peak PTH level was taken before commencement of the thrice weekly regimen and was compared to the lowest PTH obtained, after one year of treatment. The results were analysed using a one sample T-Test. Results: Of the 20 patients who were on the thrice weekly regimen, an average of 75.6% reduction in PTH was demonstrated in this group (p value <0.05). The once daily dosing regimen demonstrated an average reduction of 81% in comparison.