Our own re-implementation of CopyCat [25] in conjunction with AxP

Our own re-implementation of CopyCat [25] in conjunction with AxPcoords and AxParafit [26] was used to determine those leaves (species) whose placement significantly deviated between the Ganetespib msds constrained and the unconstrained tree. The best-known ML tree had a log likelihood of -8,012.83, whereas the best trees found under the constraint had a log likelihood of -8,014.70. The significantly (�� = 0.05) distinctly placed species were Hydrogenimonas thermophila (‘Hydrogenimonaceae’), Nitratifractor salsuginis and Thioreductor micantisoli (Nautiliaceae). However, the constrained tree was not significantly worse than the globally best one in the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test as implemented in RAxML [15] (�� = 0.05).

The best-known MP trees had a score of 1,290, whereas the best constrained trees found had a score of 1,295 and were not significantly worse in the Kishino-Hasegawa test as implemented in PAUP* [16] (�� = 0.05). (See, e.g. chapter 21 in [27] for an in-depth description of such paired-site tests.) Accordingly, the current classification of Campylobacterales (Campylobacteraceae, Helicobacteraceae, ‘Hydrogenimonaceae’) and Nautiliales (Nautiliaceae) is not in significant disagreement with the 16S rRNA data. The cells of strain YK-1T are curved rods of 0.4 �� 1-2 ��m length (Figure 2) [1]. Spiral cells are also observed in the exponential growth phase [1]. S. kujiense cells stain Gram-negative and non spore-forming (Table 1). The organism is described as motile with one polar flagellum (not visible in Figure 2). Motility-related genes account for 5.

3% of total genes in the genome (COG category N). The organism is a facultatively anaerobic chemolithoautotroph [1,3]. S. kujiense can grow only under NaCl concentrations below 1% [1,3]. A low-ion-strength medium (MBM) has been developed for growing S. kujiense [1,3]. The organism also grows in solid medium containing 1.5% Bacto-agar [1,3]. Anacetrapib The temperature range for growth is between 10��C and 35��C, with an optimum at 25��C [1,3]. The pH range for growth is 6.0-8.0, with an optimum at pH 7.0 [1,3]. S. kujiense grows autotrophically on carbon dioxide and bicarbonate [1,3]. The organism does not utilize organic acids such as acetate, lactate, pyruvate, malate, succinate, or formate nor does it utilize methanol, glucose or glutamate [1,3]. S. kujiense is not able to ferment phenol, octane, toluene, benzene, benzoate or ascorbate [1,3]. S. kujiense uses sulfide, elemental sulfur, thiosulfate and hydrogen as electron donors, and nitrate as well as small amounts of molecular oxygen (1% in gas phase) as electron acceptors [1,3]. It does not utilize nitrite [1,3]. S. kujiense shows oxidase activity, but is catalase-negative [1,3].

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