“Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) have attracted a lot of attention in recent years based on the discovery of their importance in eukaryotic life Adriamycin mw and their central role in protein interaction networks.
In contrast to their stably folded counterparts, IDPs feature a rather flexible nature. The efficient sampling of a vast and heterogeneous conformational space endows them with enormous potential to interact with and control multiple binding partners at the same time and it was thus proposed that this structural plasticity and adaptability allows IDPs to efficiently engage in weak regulatory networks (such as transcription regulation). The inherent structural flexibility of IDPs mandates the use of new experimental methods since X-ray crystallography, which is by far the most utilized tool in structural biology, cannot access these proteins in the completeness EX 527 cost of their native states. NMR spectroscopy has been developed into a powerful structural biology technique complementing protein X-ray crystallography. In particular, it offers unique opportunities for structural and dynamic studies of IDPs. A fundamental problem in the structural characterization
of IDPs is the definition of the conformational ensemble sampled by the polypeptide chain in solution. Often the interpretation relies on the concept of ‘residual structure’ where the observation of structural preferences and deviations from an idealized random coil devoid of any structural propensity are interpreted as prevalence of residual structures. Over the last decade an NMR based methodological framework has emerged to characterize the structural dynamics of IDPs. Hydrogen exchange rates, NMR chemical shifts and residual dipolar couplings (RDC) can be used to evaluate local transient secondary structure elements with atomic resolution, whereas paramagnetic relaxation
enhancement (PRE) reports Methisazone on transient long-range contacts [1]. NMR signal assignment is well established for globular proteins. Typically, a suite of triple-resonance experiments is used to find sequential connectivities between neighboring residues. These experimental strategies rely on coherence transfer steps involving backbone 13C, 15N and 1H nuclei. Applications of these efficient techniques to IDPs are hampered because of severe spectral overlap and due to significant chemical exchange with bulk water that reduces 1HN signal intensities leading to low signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios. Fig. 1 shows prototypical 15N–1H HSQC spectra obtained for different IDPs. While the latter can be partly overcome by measurements at low temperature and/or low pH, signal overlap problems required the development of novel NMR techniques.