Classification of

Classification of LY3009104 scans was performed by the first author on the basis of the radiological reports and prior to analyzing the clinical impact of incidental findings. The co-authors subsequently evaluated the classification of incidental findings, and agreement was attained. Incidental findings located in the colon were analyzed separately. Statistical analysis Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Difference in means was calculated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and P-values less than 0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS Of the 283 patients included in the study, 193 (68%) were female. The mean age of the study population was 38.7 years (range 9.9-84.9 years). The indication for MRI was suspected CD in 156, and newly diagnosed or known CD in 127.

MRI examinations revealed active CD in 31%, fistula in 1.4%, and abscess in 0.7% of patients (Table (Table1).1). There was no difference in mean age between patients with known and suspected CD (P = 0.9). Table 1 Indications and results of 283 MRI investigations of the small intestine Extra-intestinal incidental findings Extra-intestinal findings were recorded in 72 patients, of which 58 patients (20%) had previously unknown findings. Forty-one scans were classified E2, 11 were E3, and 5 were E4. In 225 scans no or previously known extra-intestinal lesions were recorded. In one examination the radiologist suspected multi-cystic ovaries, but evaluation of extra-intestinal organs was significantly compromised. The examination was classified E0, even though the finding led to further diagnostic work-up.

Seventy four incidental findings were detected in 58 patients (Table (Table2).2). In 43 patients only one finding was recorded, 14 patients had 2 findings, and 3 findings were recorded in one patient. The most frequent findings were benign cysts in the kidneys, ovaries and liver requiring no further work-up (n = 39). In 12 patients (4.2%) incompletely characterized extra-intestinal findings (E3) were detected. Of these, 2 patients had a large bladder suggesting previously unknown lower urinary tract disease, and one scan revealed a large hepatic cyst with a diameter of 15 cm displacing the right kidney. Potentially important findings (E4) were recorded in 5 patients (1.8%). Three patients had an undetermined mass or a cystic lesion in conjunction to the ovaries and pelvis wall, and further work-up was recommended.

One scan revealed a focal hepatic lesion (atypical hemangioma), and one patient was diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (Figure (Figure11). Figure 1 Incidental findings at MRI-enterography. AV-951 A: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (arrow). CT scan confirmed the aneurysm and ruled out rupture; B: Atypical hepatic hemangioma (arrow). The results of ultrasound-guided biopsy were benign; C: Large bladder leading …

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