Wikee and co-workers [9] investigated the distribution of a single endophyte species, Phyllosticta capitalensis. This species has a cosmopolitan distribution occurring on more than 70 plant families as an endophyte, but also as a pathogen. Unlike other pathogenic Phyllosticta species P. capitalensis is easy to isolate and grows relatively fast. Thus in studies where a pathogen is isolated from a host from Vactosertib mouse diseased tissues rather than via single spores, or where Phyllosticta species are isolated for LDK378 cost screening purposes,
one should expect to isolate this single widespread species. This study has important implications for researchers screening for novel compounds or establishing the causal agents of plant disease. Pažoutová and co-authors [10] have addressed various aspects of endophyte research (molecular and chemical ecology, bioprospecting, and even taxonomic classification of endophytes in the era of an unified fungal nomenclature) simultaneously: A xylariaceous endophytic species closely associated to the willow wood wasp, Xiphydria prolongata, was characterised by chemical profiling, molecular phylogeny and morphological studies and recognised as
new. Notably, the identity of this new species, Daldinia hawksworthii, was only safely established, based on concurrent extensive BX-795 in vivo monographic work by Stadler et al. (2013) that provided sound reference data on several thousands of specimens and cultures of Daldinia and related Xylariaceae. A new, apparently specific bioactive secondary metabolite was also discovered from the new species, and evidence first on the utility of GC-MS profiling for Xylariaceae chemotaxonomy was presented. A paper submitted during preparation of this issue, although not related to Cost Action is included as it deals with an important issue. Delaye and co-authors [11] investigate the switches of life modes between endophytes and necrotrophic
and biotrophic pathogens. They conclude that switches from endophytic to necrotrophic pathogenic lifestyles or vice versa have occurred on several occasions, whereas biotrophy usually represents a derived and 5-Fluoracil chemical structure evolutionarily stable trait. Two papers dealing with the utility of endophytes for bioprospecting are also included. It has recently become common practice to focus on the cultivable endophytic mycota of important medicinal plants (Huang et al. 2009; Kusari et al. 2012) and screen them for the occurrence of the plant metabolites. Even though a number of important plant metabolites were already detected in the corresponding endophytes, mostly in trace amounts, the few secondary metabolites from endophytic fungi that have hitherto given rise to sustainable production processes in view of pharmaceutical development (e.g. nodulisporic acid; cf. Bills et al.