Using actual experimental data, we were low able to show the effectiveness of our approach for drug sensitivity prediction. The pro posed TIM approach produced a low average leave one out cross validation error of 5% when applied to pertur bation data generated from four primary canine tumors using a set of 60 drugs. We should note that the cur rent 60 drug screen is a small one and technology has been developed for drug screens with a far greater number of drugs. We are currently experimenting with pharma ceutical drug library consisting of more than 300 small molecule inhibitors. We expect that the use of larger number of drugs will increase the accuracy further and generate maps with greater robustness. The scope of the present article is concentrated around steps B, C and D of Figure 1.
For future research, we will consider multiple data sources to increase the robustness of the designed maps. As explained in Figure 1, we can use RAPID siRNA screens to validate single points of failures predicted by our TIM approach. Furthermore, RNAseq and protein phosphoarray data can be used to further revise the cir cuit. Finally, time series data can be used to incorporate dynamics in the modeling framework. For combination therapy design, we can use the TIM framework to formu late control strategies with various constraints. Some pos sibilities are minimal toxicity, anticipating evolving drug resistance, and success over a family of TIMs representing variations of a tumor.
For case, we can assume that the toxicity of a drug or drug combination is proportional to the number of targets being inhibited by the drug and search for the drug combination with high sensitivity but low set of target inhibitions. For case, we would want to avoid resistance and thus would like to inhibit more than one independent blocking path way such that for the scenario when resistance to one of the blocking pathways develops, the other independent pathway can still keep the tumor under check. In other words, we would be interested in selecting a set of tar gets that can be divided into two or more non intersecting sets such that the sensitivity of each set is higher than a threshold. For case, the goal is to design control policies for the scenario when the exact pathway is not known but it belongs to a collection of pathways.
The uncertainty can arise when the experimental data is not sufficient enough to produce a unique pathway map or the current pathway may Batimastat evolve into one of the different path ways obtained from tissues with same type of cancer. This can approached from a worst case perspective or a Bayesian perspective. In conclusion, the proposed framework provides a unique input output based methodology to model a can cer pathway and predict the effectiveness of targeted drugs. This framework can be developed as a viable approach for personalized cancer therapy.