Urinary retention and catheterization, urgency and urge incontine

Urinary retention and catheterization, urgency and urge incontinence, persistently increased International Prostate Symptom Score, stricture, and the need for surgical intervention are reported.

Results: Beyond 1 year 73.3% of men had no significant urinary sequelae. A flare in the International Prostate Symptom Score to greater than 15 and at least 5 points above see more baseline occurred in 23%, lasting a median of 3 months. Symptoms of retention requiring catheterization or surgical intervention were seen in 3.4% (1.7% stricture, 0.4% transurethral resection of the prostate, 2.7% catheter). Of the 13 men requiring catheterization

at any time after I year, 5 (1% of total) remain dependent on clean intermittent catheterization. Median duration of catheter use for those with resolution is 4.5 months. Moderate to severe urinary urgency occurred in 6.4% of patients but it was unresponsive to anticholinergics in only 0.8%.

Conclusions: In this group 27% of men experienced late urinary morbidity following I-125 prostate brachytherapy. Rates may vary according to technique and selection factors. The majority responded well to medical or surgical intervention, with 0.8% persistent urgency, and 1% catheter dependence.”
“The development

of noninvasive methods capable of affording ever higher resolution images is an ongoing major objective of scientific investigation for the benefit of both clinical medicine and neuroscience. Since its development in the early 1970s, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has remained a technology of choice for medical imaging development because of Gemcitabine ic50 others the wide range of potential clinical applications. Although conventional systems with field strengths of 1.0-1.5 T rapidly popularized MRI in general clinical practice in the 1980s, research investigations have focused on imaging yielding much higher anatomical resolution using high (3.0- 4.0 T) and ultra high-field (70-9.0 T) systems. The substantial clinical experience with high and ultra high-field systems has made evident that there is a definite limit to which higher spatial resolution in and of itself will improve

information for clinical judgment, rather, it is essential to develop the entire study as a whole, which would allow for the selection of an optimal combination of all the study elements, especially the appropriate contrast mechanism. This process is analogous to the development of suitable stains for a given pathologic process in histological techniques. In IMRI, the natural physico-chemical MR contrast properties of tissues can be taken advantage of to achieve this goal, thereby obviating the need for administering contrast material to individuals.”
“Purpose: In the prostate testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone by 5 alpha-reductase type 1 and/or 2. Although 5 alpha-reductase type 2 is predominant in normal prostates, type 1 is increased in cancer vs benign tissue.

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