Unless otherwise stated, experiments were performed using wild-ty

Unless otherwise stated, experiments were performed using wild-type C57BL/6J (Jackson Laboratories) or ICR (Harlan Laboratories) animals mated in house to generate timed pregnancies. Experiments to test Cre expression used Ai3 ROSA26 CAG-lox-stop-lox-eYFP [Jackson Laboratories stock #7903 (Madisen et al.,

2010)] or the R26R lacZ reporter line [Jackson Laboratories stock #3474 (Soriano, 1999)]. Experiments to test tTA expression used the tetO-nls-GFP-lacZ reporter line (Mayford et al., 1996). Transgenic offspring for these experiments were generated by mating Ai3, R26R or tetO-nls-GFP-lacZ males with ICR females. The viral injections 17-AAG cell line described below were performed blind to genotype, and transgenic status determined by tail biopsy at either the time of weaning or harvest. All procedures were reviewed and approved by the Baylor College of Medicine Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee in accordance with the guidelines of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Within 6 h of birth, neonates were collected from the cage and cryoanesthised at 0 °C for 3 min before injection. Following cessation of movement, a solution of recombinant AAV diluted in sterile phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.05% trypan blue was injected bilaterally into the ventricles using a 10 μL Hamilton syringe (Hamilton, 7653-01) with a 32 gauge needle (Hamilton, 7803-04, RN 6PK PT4). The

injection site was located two-fifths of the distance along a line defined between

each eye and the lambda intersection of the skull (Fig. 1). Z-VAD-FMK datasheet The needle was held perpendicular to the skull surface during insertion to a depth of approximately 3 mm. Once the needle was in place, 2 μL of viral solution was manually injected into each lateral ventricle [1 μL for experiments comparing postnatal day (P)0 and adult injection]. After both injections were complete, pups were placed on a warming pad until they regained normal color and resumed movement. All injected animals were then transferred to an ICR foster mother for care. The ICR foster mothers had delivered within 4 days before the day Thalidomide on which the pups were injected. Depending on the number of injected pups needing care, most or all of the pups born to the ICR foster mothers were removed to ensure success of the injected animals. For delayed injection experiments, P1 (24–30-h-old), P2 (48–54-h-old) or P3 (72–78-h-old) neonates were injected as above. Adult mice (2–4 months) were anesthetised with 1.5% isoflurane, placed in a stereotaxic apparatus, and prepared for viral injection by a midline scalp incision followed by the opening of a small burr hole in the skull over the desired injection site at 1.5 mm caudal to the bregma, 0.5 mm lateral to the midline, and 1.3 mm deep to the dura mater. A volume (1 μL) of AAV diluted in phosphate-buffered saline containing 0.

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