Twenty seven women had pathological lesions in their specimens (6

Twenty seven women had pathological lesions in their specimens (67,5%). This indicates that, even mammographically and ultrasonographically innocuous, Seliciclib clinical trial BR specimens may reveal important pathological diagnosis that alters patient management. Keywords: Breast reduction, Pathology, Mammography, Costs Introduction Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women worldwide. Population-based studies showed that a lifetime risk of breast cancer is 1 in 8 women (1). Therefore, it is not surprising to detect incidental breast cancer in breast surgery materials done for cosmetic reasons or to improve patient��s symptoms related to the weight of the breast. Because of the risk of the detection of incidental carcinoma, preoperatively many plastic surgeons routinely perform breast examination, radiological screening by mammogram (MG) or ultrasonography (USG) and send the resected tissue to pathology laboratory (2).

Since the incidence of carcinoma is less than 0,5% in Breast Reduction (BR) material (1,3�C5), examining BR specimen radiologically as well as histopathologically is costly, and if there is not any obvious clinical reason, and if radiology reveals benign findings – i.e. findings with no clinical value like simple benign cyst, galactocele, benign calcifications – the importance of pathological analyze of every BR specimen has been widely discussed in several publications (6�C10). Retrospectively examined the BR specimens, patients with any findings as in BI-RADS (Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System) 2 and 3 were excluded.

Including patients with completely innocuous breast by MG and USG, we aimed to standardize cost-effective way of practicing BR specimens. Materials and methods A retrospective study was performed on BR specimens collected in our hospital between 2011 and 2012. Study approved by the local ethical committee. Preoperative evaluation included assessment of breast cancer risk factors, review of previous breast operations, mammography, breast examination. Mammography and ultrasonography were done for all patient older than 35 years. Patients younger than 35 years were sent for ultrasonography and MRI. Resected specimen was weighted, labeled right and left and sent to pathology laboratory in fixation solution (%10 formaldehyde). Before slicing at 0,5�C1 cm intervals, the pathologist performed gross examination of each specimen. For normal-appearing breast at gross examination, gray-white areas were sampled. Any abnormal-appearing area was sampled as AV-951 well and submitted for microscopic examination. Records for gross examination were sourced from pathology reports. All slices were re-analyzed histopathologically by a pathologist (BC) who was not apprised of the diagnosis.

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