To succeed with this latter strategy, however, children needed (1) to understand that tracking branches would yield the same information as tracking puppets, and (2) to represent
transformation events in terms of their impact on the set of unpaired branches. For example, an addition of one puppet corresponded to one fewer unpaired branch, a subtraction of one puppet corresponded to one more unpaired branch, and so on. Perhaps, this mental operation was not available to children, and thus limited their use of strategies based on tracking branches. Although this difficulty may explain children’s failure with transformations involving puppets (addition/subtraction or substitution), it fails to account for children’s failure at the branch Atezolizumab addition/subtraction condition, where the impact of the events on the set of unpaired branches Stem Cell Compound Library was easily identifiable. This last finding thus leads us to favor the alternative explanation, i.e., that children failed to
realize that the task could be solved not only by tracking the puppets, but also by computing how many branches did not have a matching puppet – a limitation of their understanding of one-to-one correspondence relations. Children’s format of representation for one-to-one mappings may have been such that they could not easily track the set of unpaired branches through transformations. One-to-one correspondence relations may be represented either via individual pairings (as in “each branch has a puppet”) or at the level of the whole set. In the first case, to represent the puppets in relation to the branches, children could use their resources for parallel object tracking, with the branches serving as a support to expand the capacities of this system. A relation with one fewer puppets than branches
could be represented using two slots in memory, one Tenoxicam for the generic relation (“each branch has a puppet”) and one for the deviant branch. This format of representation, however, should be easy to update following the addition or subtraction of a branch, which leads us to favor an alternative hypothesis. Instead of representing the relation at the level of individuals, children may have encoded the mapping between branches and puppets as a visual configuration, which, sometimes (e.g., when the identity of the set was preserved), they tried to reproduce as they were taking the puppets out of the box. In line with our results, such an ensemble-based representation of the relation between puppets and branches would not easily enable children to compute the impact of one-item transformations, be they transformations of puppets or of branches. This second possibility thus appears more likely, but further research is needed to distinguish these alternatives.