The set of peaks at ∼5 2 ppm (“olefinic”) were largely from the 1

The set of peaks at ∼5.2 ppm (“olefinic”) were largely from the 1H nuclei attached to carbons involved in a double bond. This signal

is thus related to the total number of unsaturated bonds in a triglyceride, regardless of whether these are located within mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated chains. The olefinic region contains a 13C satellite peak at ∼5.5 ppm attributable to the use of non-deuterated chloroform by Lab 2. The very small signals at ∼2.7 ppm (“bis-allylic”) arose from bis-allylic protons from the –CH2– groups located between pairs of double bonds and thus provides a measure of the number PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor clinical trial of poly-unsaturated fatty acid chains present in the sample. Note that these are visible only in the spectra from horse. Finally, the region around 0.9 ppm (“terminal methyl, CH3”) arises from the protons attached to the terminal carbon of each fatty acid chain. For a triglyceride there will be contributions from Compound C each of the three terminal CH3 groups per single

glycerol backbone. Fig. 1 suggests that there are systematic differences between the spectra from the two species, but this becomes much more apparent when selected parts of the spectrum are viewed on a magnified scale. Fig. 2 shows the olefinic, glyceride, bis-allylic and terminal CH3 regions, each on an appropriate vertical scale, from the entire collection of Training Set spectra, presented separately for each species and Lab. Due to normalisation, the glyceride peak areas are the same (equal to unity) in all spectra. Fig. 2 reveals that the peaks

from Lab 1 are slightly sharper than those from Lab 2. This is Sulfite dehydrogenase probably attributable to known technical improvements in Lab 1’s spectrometer relative to the instrument used in Lab 2, and also a more comprehensive strategy of magnet shimming and pulse calibration by Lab 1. It can be seen that horse spectra consistently exhibit larger olefinic and much larger bis-allylic peaks than beef, indicating a higher unsaturated fat content in the horse samples. This is in agreement with reports in the literature relating to distinct fatty acid compositions of different species (Dobranic et al., 2009, He et al., 2005, Lisitsyn et al., 2013 and Tonial et al., 2009) and suggests that simple integrated peak areas may be used to distinguish species in a quantitative manner. Naïve Bayes classification was applied to the integrated olefinic and bis-allylic peak areas only, calculated from the Training Set data. 100% correct classifications were obtained for both the beef and horse groups. Furthermore, the method employed crossover validation: Lab 1 data were used to predict Lab 2, and vice versa. Not only is this a promising outcome in terms of efficacy of the methodology, it also implies that the difference between Labs (extraction procedure, researcher and spectrometer) is not adversely affecting the ability to distinguish species.

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