The authors are in debt to Professor Licinio Esmeralda da Silva (Department of Mathematics of the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) for the statistical revision of the data, Ms. Heloisa Maria Nogueira Diniz for preparing the figures and Mr. Norberto Fritz Schneider for preparing the open-field
apparatus. “
“For high-resolution applications, the majority of cardiovascular magnetic resonance studies are performed with respiratory gating during free-breathing using diaphragmatic navigators [1] and [2]. The accept/reject algorithm [3] and [4], used to limit respiratory motion to a small (typically 5 mm) gating BMS-354825 clinical trial window around end expiration, is inherently inefficient and unpredictable particularly in the presence of respiratory drift [5]. A number of Afatinib datasheet techniques including motion adaptive gating [6] and phase encode ordering methods [7], [8] and [9] reduce the effects of respiratory motion within the navigator acceptance window, enabling improved image quality or greater respiratory efficiency. Alternatively, navigator information may be used to both gate and provide input to respiratory motion models which relate the motion of the diaphragm to that of the heart. The most basic of these models uses a fixed superior–inferior
factor to perform slice tracking [1] and [10], but tracking factors vary considerably between subjects [11] and [12], and calculating accurate subject-specific values is both difficult and time consuming. More complex models, Glutamate dehydrogenase often derived from multiple navigators,
include three-dimensional (3D) translational [13] and affine transformations [14], [15] and [16] which take into account the nonrigid deformation of the heart and its hysteretic relationship with the diaphragm. Such methods have enabled increases in the acceptance window from 5 to 10 mm without loss of image quality, resulting in improved respiratory efficiency (from ∼40% [4] to ∼70% [17]). These models, however, are derived from a prescan and do not adapt to changes that may occur over subsequent long acquisitions. Several novel non-model-based alternatives have been developed which derive respiratory motion information directly from the anatomy of interest. Self-gated techniques use respiratory information obtained from a repeated superior–inferior projection within the acquisition to gate [18] or perform one-dimensional translational corrections [19], while other methods reconstruct heavily aliased subimages from a subset of the full high-resolution acquisition on every cardiac cycle for respiratory gating [20] or to obtain 3D affine corrections [21]. Alternatively, simultaneously acquired additional low-resolution images have been used to obtain two-dimensional (2D) in-plane translational corrections [22] and rotations [23].