Tasks are distributed among members according to their expertise or specialization. The rapporteur or chairman of the working group synthesizes the data collected by the members, develops the report, and drafts the recommendations. The Secretariat of the HCSP ensures that the necessary administrative functions are provided. The recommendations developed by the working group are presented to the larger CTV. The committee assesses the working group’s recommendations by discussing each of the recommendations and voting on them throughout multiple plenary meetings. Additional meetings may be held when an urgent health situation demands an immediate decision (for example, the recent publication of
data suggesting a possible safety risk for children associated with the hepatitis B vaccine). In cases where experts disagree over adoption of a recommendation, they are settled by a majority vote. Usually, the preliminary Ibrutinib datasheet http://www.selleckchem.com/products/ulixertinib-bvd-523-vrt752271.html discussions make it possible to obtain a very broad consensus or even unanimity. A slim majority vote
or an elevated level of abstentions will result in further continuation of work. After an agreement is reached, CTV recommendations are then transmitted to the CSMT for validation. The CSMT is informed of the consensus level among the CTV members concerning the recommendations and may be requested to weigh in. Working groups receive support on a systematic basis from: AFSSAPS on questions concerning vaccine Thymidine kinase safety; the Institut National
de Prévention et Éducation à la Santé (INPES; the institute responsible for implementation of disease prevention and health education policy) on issues about communications policy; and the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (INVS; the institute responsible for epidemiological surveillance) for epidemiological issues. Currently, most CTV investigations consist of pharmaco-epidemiological studies, as well as disease modeling and assessing different vaccination strategies. This disease modeling component is a part of INVS’ mission; INVS may carry out the modeling itself or assign it to a public health laboratory of its choice. There is an opportunity for external members to participate, with some restrictions, in working groups or in the CTV’s deliberations. External experts can be full members of a working group and may even chair it. They may also be invited to the CTV plenary meeting to present their reports (if they are chairman or rapporteur of the group) or to provide their expertise on a particular issue (for example, the National Reference Center may present its epidemiological findings concerning a pathogen). Industry experts cannot be members of a working group. However, a commercial company may be heard by the CTV at the request of the CTV or at its own request. In the case of health economics studies, the company may be asked to make a presentation to INVS.