Table S3. Gene expression changes for healthy control cattle group (n=5) at 3 h between stimulated and nonstimulated MDMs in real-time quantitative PCR. Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors.
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“Infected yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) were sent from Niushan Lake Fishery, Hubei Province, China, to our laboratory for diagnosis. Macroscopic daffodil yellow mold was observed on the heads and fins of the fish and one Mucor species was isolated. Based on Buparlisib ic50 the morphological and molecular analysis, the species was identified as Mucor circinelloides. Its optimum growth temperature was 30 °C and it could not grow at 40 °C. The infectivity results showed wound infection could cause 100% cumulative mortalities at all experimental CFU (106, 107 and 108). The cumulative mortalities of the intraperitoneal infection increased along with the sporangiospore concentrations; the highest mortality was 90% with 108 CFU. Histopathological studies showed M. circinelloides could cause
a series of pathological changes in the host tissues and they disseminated in different viscera, perhaps by the blood. This is the first report of M. circinelloides infection in yellow catfish. Mucor are opportunistic fungi belonging to the family Mucoraceae of the class Zygomycetes. They are ubiquitous in the environment Immune system and have been reported
to be pathogenic in birds, animals and humans (Lie & Njo-Injo, 1956; Sugar, 1992, 2005). Mucormycosis is usually associated with immunosuppression, trauma and subsequent surgery in the human host (Lehrer et al., 1980; Sugar, 1992, 2005; Kontoyiannis et al., 2000, 2005; Gonzalez et al., 2002; Almyroudis et al., 2006) and generally causes localized cutaneous infection with high morbidity and even high mortality when disseminated (Ribes et al., 2000; Lenane et al., 2003; Almyroudis et al., 2006). It is characterized by the formation of sexual spores (zygospores) and vegetative mycelium that lack septa, except to delimit old or injured hyphae or reproductive structures in Mucorales. Asexual reproduction occurs most commonly by the formation of nonmotile, unicelled sporangiospores in uni- or multispored sporangia or merosporangia. Although the infectivity and nosogenesis involved with human mucormycosis are well documented, the only report to date describing it as a pathogen for fish is that of Yang et al. (2006), who isolated a Mucor sp. from Takifugu obscurus in Jiangsu province, China. However, their identification results were inconclusive because they identified it by phenotype only to genus level. If a case report of mucormycosis does not identify the species, it may be difficult to associate a disease specifically with a species (Kontoyiannis et al.