Our model makes use of selective in-vivo expression of individual MHC II alleles on a C57BL/6 (IAb IEneg) background, which reconstitute IEdb expression and thereby allow presentation of moth cytochrome c (MCC) to the 5C.C7 TCR. Using host mice transgenic for the MHC II IE alpha chain, we have restricted expression c-Met inhibitor of IE to radioresistant LCs, while maintaining normal T cell homeostasis
via expression of IAb on all host and donor-derived DCs. We have demonstrated that LCs, as the sole antigen-presenting subset in this model, induce deletion of CD4+ T cells even when highly activated by exposure to multiple TLR and inflammasome-mediated signals. Thus our results indicate that LCs are precommitted to the induction of immunological tolerance. LCs can also inhibit the immune response driven by radiosensitive, immunogenic DC subsets. The use of this model has thus allowed the first direct investigation of the in-vivo function of Ivacaftor clinical trial LCs, in contrast to the essentially indirect ablation studies in which the function of multiple DC subsets is assessed in the presence or absence of LCs [8]. While chimeric models are useful for assessing the function of LCs, restricting
functional presentation capacity to defined DC subsets in tissues such as gut and lung remains a challenge. The development of further transgenic and knock-in models that will allow functional analysis of individual DC subsets in mice possessing the full complement of MHC-expressing DCs
remains a high priority. The goal of DC subset biology, in the context of T cell responses, is to understand how DCs control the many classes of immune responses that are generated in vivo. Defining the individual functions of DC subsets should allow us to develop a more complete understanding of the mechanisms controlling T cell-mediated immunity and tolerance, maximizing the therapeutic potential of targeting DC subsets for future translation into the clinic. The recent demonstration that mouse and human DC subsets are related much RAS p21 protein activator 1 more closely than previously believed underlines the importance of studying DC biology in the mouse using physiological models. The limitations in the models currently available to study DC subset control of T cell responses (summarized in Table 2) highlight the importance of careful interpretation of the results from these models. The improvement and combination of current models should allow for a clearer picture of DC biology. The authors have no competing interests. “
“Conditional ligands have enabled the high-throughput production of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) libraries that present defined peptides. Immunomonitoring platforms typically concentrate on restriction elements associated with European ancestry, and such tools are scarce for Asian HLA variants.