Moreover, the coexistence of different resistive

Moreover, the coexistence of different resistive Nirogacestat concentration switching behaviors has been found in many materials such as BiFeO3[11, 12], HfO2[13, 14], SrTiO3[15], ZnO [16–18], diamond-like carbon [19], and TiO2[20]. The choice of switching modes can broaden device applications and enable large flexibility in terms of memory architecture [15]. Generally, URS was preferred under high compliance current (CC), while BRS under low CC. In this letter, we present

an abnormal coexistence of URS with a low CC and BRS under high CC in the same Al/NiO/ITO device. Meanwhile, TRS was also observed by reducing the switching CC to forming CC. The Joule heating filament mechanism in a dual-oxygen reservoir structure composed of Al/NiO layer, and the ITO substrate

was responsible for the abnormal resistance switching. Methods NiO thin films were fabricated on ITO substrates by sol-gel process [21]. Nickel acetate tetrahydrate was used as a metal source, and 2-methoxyethanol and ethanolamine as solvent and stabilizing agent, respectively. Then, the mixed solution was stirred for an hour at 80°C to obtain a homogeneous stacked solution. The Stattic molecular weight precursor solution (0.18 ml−1) was drop-casted on cleaned ITO substrate and rotated at 3,000 rpm for 30 s using a spin coater. After spin coating, the sample was dried on a hot plate at 120°C Vactosertib cell line for 5 min to evaporate the solvent and remove organic residuals. Thin films were synthesized by repeating the above processes followed by annealing in air ambient at 475°C selleck for 2 h. Crystal structures were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD; Philips X’pert MPD Pro, Amsterdam, Netherlands) with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15406 nm), and atomic force microscopy (AFM; Seiko

SPI 3800, Chiba, Japan) was used to evaluate the surface morphology. Circular top electrodes of Al and Au with diameter of 500 μm were deposited by vacuum thermal evaporation through a shadow mask. A schematic of the Al/NiO/ITO device is shown in Figure 1. The transport properties of the device were characterized using a Keithley 2400 SourceMeter (Cleveland, OH, USA) at room temperature with a sweeping voltage applied to the Al top electrode while the ITO bottom electrode was grounded. To prevent disturbances from light and electromagnetic waves, current-voltage (I-V) measurements were performed in a metal dark box. Figure 1 Schematic of the Al/NiO/ITO device and setup for measurement. Results and discussions Figure 2 compares the XRD pattern of the NiO/ITO film and the ITO substrate. In addition to those diffraction peaks from the ITO substrate, only NiO (111) and NiO (200) peaks were observed, suggesting that the NiO film has been successfully fabricated. The inset demonstrates the AFM image of the NiO thin films, in which the surface roughness of the films has a root-mean-square value of 3 nm, and the average grain size is about 30 nm, indicating that the film had a smooth surface relatively.

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