meliloti GR4 was determined in the presence of different concentrations of glucosamine or N-acetyl glucosamine. The results in Figure 4 show that at the lowest concentration (50 μM) whereas glucosamine has no effect, N-acetyl glucosamine improves nodulation. It is known that N-acetyl glucosamines function as MM-102 supplier adhesins in some bacteria and that core Nod factor plays a role in biofilm formation in S. meliloti, facts that could explain the positive
effect of the aminosugar on nodulation [20]. Surprisingly, the addition of 5 mM of glucosamine VX-680 clinical trial or N-acetyl glucosamine to the plant mineral solution, abolished or severely affected nodulation, respectively. As far as we know this is the first time that it has been shown that glucosamine or N-acetyl glucosamine inhibits nodulation by S. meliloti. The reason why these sugars at millimolar concentrations inhibit nodulation in alfalfa is not known but worth further investigation. We speculate that at high concentrations these compounds bind to and collapse plant lectins and/or Nod factor receptors interfering with the recognition of symbiotic bacterial signals. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the effects of high concentrations of these Nod factor precursors on nod gene expression and nodulation are consistent with the effects observed in the tep1 mutant. Therefore, SB431542 cell line as a first attempt to correlate the presence of these compounds
with Tep1 activity, we decided to investigate the effect of these aminosugars on tep1 transcription. Figure 4 Nodulation efficiency upon addition of different concentrations of Nod factor precursors. Just before inoculation with S. meliloti GR4, alfalfa plants were supplemented with 50 μM glucosamine (GA) (open squares), 5 mM glucosamine (filled squares), 50 μM N-acetyl glucosamine (NAGA) (open triangles), 5 mM N-acetyl glucosamine (closed triangles) or without the addition of Nod factor precursors (filled circles). A representative example from 3 independent MRIP experiments is shown. Glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine activate tep1 transcription Synthesis of
transporters is often induced by the presence of their cognate substrates [21]. The expression of the tep1 gene was tested in S. meliloti GR4 harbouring pMPTR4 (tep1::lacZ transcriptional fusion) grown in different conditions. The results shown in Table 4 demonstrate that tep1 expression is higher in complex medium compared to defined minimal medium. Interestingly, the addition of glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine to the minimal medium increased transcription of tep1, suggesting that these aminosugars could be natural substrates of this putative transporter. Table 4 tep1 gene expression in S. meliloti GR4 under different growth conditions. Growth medium β-galactosidase activity (Miller U) TY 1523 ± 140 MM 449 ± 16 MM+GA 652 ± 33 MM+NAGA 792 ± 29 Expression of a tep1::lacZ fusion was measured in S.