Mean lengths of the dorsal aspect of metastriate female hypostome

Mean lengths of the dorsal aspect of metastriate female hypostomes were classed as either short (0.34–0.37 mm), as observed for R. appendiculatus and D. reticulatus, or long (0.62–1.27 mm) as for H. excavatum and A. variegatum. By comparison, hypostomes RGFP966 order of male H. excavatum and female I. ricinus were intermediate in length, 0.53 and 0.57 mm, respectively, although they are classed as long [8]. In order to compare the wound-healing growth-factor-binding activities of H. excavatum with the other tick species previously examined [6], H. excavatum SGE was screened using ELISA reagents specific for FGF-2, HGF, PDGF and TGF-β1 (Figure 2). SGE of females

was highly active against TGF-β1 and FGF-2 at both 3 and 7 days of feeding. In comparison, activity against HGF was low and only detected at the early stage of feeding. Anti-PDGF activity increased over the feeding duration to a relatively high level in the late

phase. Generally, the activities of male SGE were less than those of females although activity against FGF-2 was similarly high. Nymphal ticks showed a striking selleck increase in activities from day 2 to 7 of feeding for TGF-β1 and PDGF. In comparison, activities against HGF and FGF-2 were low and decreased from day 2 to 7 of feeding. During feeding, the tick’s hypostome (mouthparts) damages host skin and comes into contact with both keratinocytes, the major cellular skin component of the epidermis, and fibroblasts, the main cells of the dermis. To detect the effect of tick saliva on keratinocytes and fibroblasts, we performed MTT proliferation assays using HaCaT, a human keratinocyte cell line, and a mouse NIH-3T3 fibroblast Cobimetinib datasheet cell line. We compared the activity of SGE prepared from the early (slow) and late (rapid) phases of engorgement

(Figure 3). The most active was SGE of 7-day-fed females, inducing about 60–65% inhibition of HaCaT and NIH-3T3 cell growth; SGE of 3-day-fed females had relatively little effect. SGE of male ticks was less active than that of females, inhibiting growth of HaCaT keratinocytes approximately to 25% and NIH-3T3 fibroblasts about 5%. Previously, we described changes in the shape of different cells treated with tick SGE that correlated with the presence of PDGF-binding activity [6]. We compared the effect of SGE prepared from adult H. excavatum ticks fed for 3 and 7 days on HaCaT and NIH-3T3 cells. Morphology of both cell lines changed dramatically when the cells were treated with SGE of 7-day-fed females, whereas other SGE preparations had no observable effect (Figures 4 and 5). This was surprising because anti-PDGF activity was detected in SGE of females fed for 3 days although at apparently lower levels than in 7-day-fed female ticks. Therefore, we increased the SGE treatment of cells with 3-day-fed female SGE to three- and four-fold tick equivalents.

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