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“Introduction Gordon Conferences on Photosynthesis have

existed since 1969 (see http://​www.​grc.​org/​conferences.​aspx?​id=​0000207 for a brief history and the list of past conferences). These conferences have been limited in size (from 100 to ~150) and are very intense with morning and evening sessions, as well as poster sessions in the afternoons with ample opportunity for one-to-one discussions during the afternoons and late evenings going past midnight sometimes. many The program for the 2008 Conference is on line at: http://​www.​grc.​org/​programs.​aspx?​year=​2008&​program=​photosyn.; and that for the 2009 Conference is at . Here, I provide a personal perspective on (i) the awards that were given to young investigators at the 2008 and 2009 conferences; and (ii) the ambiance at these conferences through some photographs, particularly of the 2009 conference. The awards Three Young investigators were honored with awards at the Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis, held June 22–27, 2008, at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA (Chair: Willem (Wim) F.J.

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