coli and triangles indicate Rv1096 protein over-expressed in M s

coli and triangles indicate Rv1096 protein over-expressed in M. smegmatis. Values

are means ± SD. B) Time course and concentration curve for Rv1096. Purified Rv1096 protein at 1.22, 2.88 or 3.65 μg/ml was incubated with M. smegmatis PG (1 mg/ml) substrate at 37°C for 5, 10, 15, 30 and 50 min. Plotted values are means ± SD. C) Km and Vmax values for Rv1096 PG deacetylase activity. Kinetic parameters were calculated by a double reciprocal plot. D) Rv1096 protein exhibited a metallo dependent enzymatic activity. Various divalent cations (Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ca2+or Zn2+) were added to a final concentration of 0.5 μM. Values are mean ± SD. According to the time versus concentration curve (Figure 3B), when the Rv1096 protein concentration was 2.88 μg/ml, acetic acid was released at a constant

rate over selleck chemicals llc a 30 min period. Therefore, the initial velocity range fell within 30 min, and the optimal concentration for Rv1096 was 2.88 μg/ml. The optimal deacetylation reaction conditions were determined by changing the pH and temperature of the reaction. From this, the optimal pH was found to be 7.0 and the optimal temperature 37°C (data not shown). The kinetic parameters were calculated by a double reciprocal plot (Figure 3C): Km = 0.910 ± 0.007 mM; Vmax = 0.514 ± 0.038 μM min-1; and Kcat = 0.099 ± 0.007 (S-1). As shown in Figure 1, Rv1096 contained the same Asp-His-His conserved residues known to interact with Co2+ in S. pneumoniae PgdA. To ensure that Rv1096 was also a metallo-dependent deacetylase, various divalent cations (Mg2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ca2+ or Zn2+) were added to the reaction buffer, each Elafibranor purchase at a final concentration of 0.5 μM; EDTA at 50 μM served as a control. The results showed that the enzymatic reactivity reached the highest level in the presence of Co2+; however, enzymatic activity was lost in the presence of EDTA (Figure 3D). Therefore, we determined that Chlormezanone Rv1096 is a metallo-dependent PG deacetylase. M. smegmatis/Rv1096exhibits lysozyme resistance To determine the contribution of Rv10196 protein to M. smegmatis resistance to lysozyme, M. smegmatis/Rv1096 and wild-type M. smegmatis cultures were divided

into two parts at the beginning of the exponential growth phase. Test samples received 200 μg/ml lysozyme, unlike the control samples. As shown in Figure 4A, the wild-type M. smegmatis culture suspension treated with lysozyme lost its opaque, hazy appearance, becoming Selleck AL3818 transparent at the end of the exponential growth phase, or shortly after reaching stationery phase. Its OD600 and CFU values decreased, indicating that cell lysis took place in the wild-type lysozyme-treated M. smegmatis. The M. smegmatis/Rv1096 growth curves for lysozyme treatment showed almost no difference to the lysozyme-untreated group, suggesting that Rv10196 protein contributed to M. smegmatis resistance to lysozyme degradation. There was also no significant difference between the M. smegmatis/Rv1096 and wild-type M.

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