Another possibility that remains to be explored is whether the hfq mutant’s sensitivity to oxidative PND-1186 stress is due to altered function of superoxide dismutase (sodB – So_2881) and/or one or more of the four genes predicted click here to encode proteins with catalase activity katB (So_1070), So_1771.2, katG2 (So_4405), and katG1 (So_0725)] [12]. Finally, it will be of interest to determine whether S. oneidensis contains an hfq-dependent OxyR-OxyS system that is involved
in response to oxidative stress as in other systems [20, 31]. We are currently investigating the mechanisms by which S. oneidensis Hfq promotes growth, terminal culture density, and stationary phase survival. However, given that Hfq has been broadly implicated in the function of many sRNAs in other systems [32], the S. oneidensis hfq mutant generated in this study will facilitate analysis of the roles of Hfq and sRNAs in adaptation to a wide range of environmental conditions. This is of particular interest since a previous study demonstrated that S. oneidensis sRNAs do not always have completely overlapping functions with their homologs in other systems [33]. Acknowledgements We thank Aixia Zhang for supplying the anti-Hfq antibody. Thanks to Fr. Nicanor Austriaco, O.P. and Jennifer Gervais for thoughtful discussions and critical reading of the manuscript. Research reported in this publication was supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences of Tanespimycin the National Institutes of Health under grant number 8 P20 GM103430-12. Additional
funding was provided by a Providence College Undergraduate Research Grant to CMB and an American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Summer Research Fellowship to MTG. References 1. Geissmann TA, Touati D: Hfq, a new chaperoning role: binding to messenger RNA determines access for small RNA regulator. EMBO J 2004,23(2):396–405.PubMedCrossRef 2. Gottesman S: The small RNA regulators of Escherichia coli : roles and mechanisms. Annu Rev Microbiol 2004, 58:303–328.PubMedCrossRef 3. Moller T, Franch T, Hojrup P, Keene DR, Bachinger HP, Brennan RG, Valentin-Hansen P: Hfq: a bacterial Sm-like protein that mediates RNA-RNA interaction. Mol why Cell 2002,9(1):23–30.PubMedCrossRef 4. Panja S, Woodson SA: Hexamer to monomer equilibrium of E. coli Hfq in solution and its impact on RNA annealing. J Mol Biol 2012,417(5):406–412.PubMedCrossRef 5. Tsui HC, Leung HC, Winkler ME: Characterization of broadly pleiotropic phenotypes caused by an hfq insertion mutation in Escherichia coli K-12. Mol Microbiol 1994,13(1):35–49.PubMedCrossRef 6. Sittka A, Pfeiffer V, Tedin K, Vogel J: The RNA chaperone Hfq is essential for the virulence of Salmonella typhimurium. Mol Microbiol 2007,63(1):193–217.PubMedCrossRef 7. Ding Y, Davis BM, Waldor MK: Hfq is essential for Vibrio cholerae virulence and downregulates sigma expression. Mol Microbiol 2004,53(1):345–354.PubMedCrossRef 8.