All trocars were inserted under direct visualization with the da Vinci system camera (Figure 1). Figure 1 At this stage of the procedure, we began recording the docking time (DT). The robotic camera was locked last but was used to insert all robotic cannulas and instruments. The robotic cart was positioned over the patient’s head (which was covered with head protection designed for this purpose). Once the general setup was ready, the procedure began with the console surgeon using a grasper in the left hand and a modified harmonic scalpel in the right hand. The third da Vinci arm used another forceps in order to retract the liver from the 8mm trocar placed in the right-hand side of the patient. The greater curvature of the stomach was sectioned at the lowest point in order to reach the lesser epiploic sac.
This stage of the procedure is completely robotic and the first assistant does not usually participate. The division of the gastrocolic and gastrosplenic ligament continued exactly as in a standard LSG. The robot ensures precision in the upper part of the stomach, in which you need to avoid any injury to the spleen and properly visualize the vessels. Dissection continued up to 5cm from the pylorus following dissection of the upper part of the stomach. 2.2. Sleeve Calibration, Section, and Extraction At this stage of the procedure, the anaesthesiologist inserted a 32 Fr bougie to calibrate the sleeve. The anesthesiologist did not encounter any difficulty placing the bougie with the robotic bedside cart.
A stapler (Echelon 60 Endopath stapler, endoscopic linear cutter straight, Ethicon-Endosurgery, Cincinnati, OH, USA), loaded with a green cartridge, was used to divide the stomach from the lowest tip of the greater gastric curvature, 5cm proximally to the pylorus, towards the lateral edge of the bougie. This manoeuvre was performed twice. The right arm was again docked and the left robotic arm was switched to the left lateral 11mm trocar. This manoeuvre allowed the decannulation of the right arm from the 12mm trocar without moving the robot and can be performed within a few seconds. The table surgeon inserted a stapler loaded with blue cartridges in order to divide the sleeve up to the end of the upper part. The stomach was then removed from the cavity through the 12mm trocar. A robotic continuous polypropylene suture (3/0) (Prolene, Ethicon-Endosurgery) was used to oversew the entire sleeve staple line.
A robotic needle holder was used for this purpose. The anaesthesiologist filled the sleeve with diluted methylene blue in order to detect any leakage from the staple line. 2.3. Postoperative Management and Followup The nasogastric tube was removed on postoperative day one. All patients underwent a mandatory upper gastrointestinal tract series with contrast material Drug_discovery on the third postoperative day. If this was normal, patients were discharged.