After 48 h of transfection, fluorescence of cells was observed by

After 48 h of transfection, fluorescence of cells was observed by a fluorescence microscope. Then, cells were seeded

for FCM and immunofluorescence assay. Supernatant was collected to test the inflammatory cytokines secreted by the cells. Table 2 sequences of siRNA against TLR4 Name of siRNA TLR4 sequences(5′-3′) Site position TLR4A a a c t t g t a t t c a a g g t c t g g c 1023-1044 TLR4B a a g g c t t a c t t t c a c t t c c a a 1374-1395 TLR4C a a c t c c c t c c a g g t t c t t g a t 1921-1942 MTT assay Cells were seeded into 96-well culture plates (6×103/well, 5 wells repeated), allowed to adhere overnight, and then transfections were performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. After 48 h, the transfected cells were collected (0 h) or allowed to continue in RAD001 concentration culture for 24 h, 48 h, or 72 h. At the end of each treatment, selleck products cells were incubated with 5 mg/mL MTT (Sigma Chemical

Co., MO, USA) for 4 h and then mixed with dimethyl sulfoxide after the supernatant was removed. The dye absorption (A) was quantitated using an automatic microplate spectrophotometer (340 st; Anthos Zenyth, Salzburg, Austria) at 490 nm. Human inflammatory cytokine assay IL-6 and IL-8 presence in the supernatant of transfected cells were detected according to the instruction of human inflammatory cytokine kit (BD™ Cytometric Bead Array (CBA)). FACScan flow cytometer (BD) was used to analyze samples. Statistical Analysis GraphPad Prism software (CA, USA) was used to perform statistical comparisons between different values. Data were expressed as the means ± standard deviation (SD) with n = 3. Statistical significances were determined by Student’s t-test and ANOVA, differences were considered significant at a P value of less

than 0.05. Results Dynein Expression of TLRs in human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 As TLRs have been identified in some tumor cells, we sought to detect if they were expressed in the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. Qualitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that MDA-MB-231 expressed mRNA of TLR1, TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, TLR7, TLR8, TLR9 and TLR10 (Figure 1A). Real-time PCR analysis revealed the relative expressions of each TLR examined. The expression of TLR3 was normalized to 1.0, as it was expressed the most weakly. TLR4 was 5-fold higher than TLR3, while other TLRs were expressed between 1- and 4-fold higher than TLR3 (Figure 1B). By FCM detection, we were able to examine the different protein expression levels of the TLRs, TLR4, TLR6, TLR7 and TLR5 were expressed moderately; the other TLRs were expressed weakly or unexpressed. Again, TLR4 protein level was the highest out of TLR1-TLR10 (Figure 1C). Collectively, these results demonstrated that MDA-MB-231 expressed all the TLRs examined (TLR1-TLR10) and TLR4 was expressed highest. TLR4 was strategically selected to investigate its function on the growth and progression of MDA-MB-231 in subsequent studies.

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