According to the three-stage model of classification of disorder introduced by Ferrari and Robertson [19], the Raman spectrum is considered to depend on the degree of amorphization, the disorder, clustering of sp 2 phase, presence of sp 2 rings or chains, and ratio between sp 2 and sp 3 bonds. The two parameters considered to identify the degree of amorphization SB-715992 cost are the G peak position and the I(D)/I(G) ratio, where I indicates the total intensity (i.e., area under the band). Assuming that the residual composition is homogeneous, we obtained a G position (G POS) = 1,594 ± 2 cm−1 and I(D)/I(G) = 1.61 ± 0.07
leading to the conclusion that the residual corresponds FK228 solubility dmso mainly to a graphite-like state with nanocrystalline structure, lying in between the so-called ‘stage 1’ in the amorphization trajectory (graphite → nanocrystalline graphite) presenting a negligible sp 3 content and the ‘stage 2’ in which more defects appear together with a low sp 3 content. In stage 1, the Tuinstra-Koenig
[10] relationship links the interdefect distance L a (and thus grain size) to the I(D)/I(G) ratio: (1) C constant depends on the wavelength; at 514.5 nm, its value is equal to 44 Å. Therefore from Equation 1, it is possible to estimate a grain size L a = 36 ± 2 Å (Figure 5e). Our results are also consistent with a high content of sp 2 hybridized carbon, as already reported by Suez et al. [10] for features deposited from a liquid aliphatic precursor (hexadecane). SN-38 purchase A more detailed evaluation of the band around 1,600 cm−1 (Figure 5f), by a multipeak fit, reveals that the three components could represent the sample spectra. The two components (G and D′) are present in the nanocrystalline graphite, and a third component around 1,570 (lowered G peak) is due to mainly sp 2 amorphous carbon. Kelvin probe force microscopy measures local contact
potential difference (CPD) between a conductive AFM tip and a sample. This difference is sensitive to local compositional and structural variations. The work function (Φ) of p-doped silicon(100) is ≈ 4.91 eV, and the work function of HOPG in air is ≈ 4.65 eV [20], the Avelestat (AZD9668) latter is used as reference. Based on those considerations, we expect a local drop in Φ where a graphitic layer is present and an opposite behavior in the presence of a dielectric layer (SiO2). We performed CPD scan over both patterns, and the findings are presented in Figure 6, showing the expected local CPD behavior. During the scan, we applied an AC voltage dithering the tip at a frequency of 79 kHz. In order to avoid artifacts, trace and retrace data were always collected and compared. Topography and potential were collected simultaneously performing a so-called NAP scan at a constant height of 40 nm. The work function of one reference tip (Φ tip = 4.93 ± 0.05 eV) was calibrated by KPFM on freshly cleaved HOPG.