The sample substrates placed downstream of the quartz tube resulted in a gradient temperature change of 600 to 500°C from the center towards the opened end. Morphologies of the samples
were observed from a Hitachi SU 8000 FESEM (Chiyoda-ku, Japan). An EDAX Apollo XL SDD detector EDX spectroscopy (Mahwah, NJ, USA) attached to the FESEM was utilized for the composition analysis of the samples. TEM and HRTEM micrographs as well as the fast Fourier transform (FFT) electron diffraction patterns of the samples were studied using a JEOL JEM 2100F HRTEM (Akishima-shi, Japan). A SIEMENS D5000 X-ray diffractometer (Munich, Germany) was used to obtain the XRD pattern of the samples. The measurements were performed at a grazing angle of 5°. PL spectra were recorded using a Renishaw InVia PL/Raman spectrometer (Wotton-under-Edge, PND-1186 UK) under an excitation He-Cd laser source of 325 nm. Results and discussion Figure 1a shows the FESEM image of the as-grown In-catalyzed Si NWs. The NWs
revealed tapered structures with average base and tip diameters of approximately 100 and 20 nm, respectively. The average length of the NWs Sotrastaurin cell line is about 2 μm. In seeds coated on the Si NWs by evaporation are illustrated by FESEM as shown in Figure 1b. TEM (Figure 1c) and HRTEM (Figure 1d) micrographs reveal the cone-shaped In seeds with sizes varying from 8 to 50 nm, which are evenly distributed on the surface of the NWs. This adhesion of the In seeds on the Si NWs is confirmed by the HRTEM where the crystal lattices of both the In and Si crystals are observed in Figure 1d. The high sticky coefficient of In seeds [38] allows it to act as centers to collect vaporized ZnO molecules/atoms, which then Napabucasin order nucleate to form ZnO
nanostructures on the Si NWs. Figure 1 SEM and TEM studies why on the In/Si NWs. FESEM images of (a) Si NWs and (b) In seeds coated on Si NWs. (c) TEM and (d) HRTEM micrographs of the In seeds coated on the surface of the Si NW. Morphologies of the ZnO nanostructures grown on the In/Si NWs at different growth times between 0.5 to 2 h are displayed by the FESEM images in Figure 2a,b,c,d. In Figure 2a, high density of ZnO NPs is observed on the surface of the In/Si NWs. Upon further condensation of ZnO vapors, the ZnO NP-decorated structures were transformed into NPs shell layer cladding the surface of the NWs (Figure 2b). It is found that the average diameter of the NWs increased to approximately 200 ± 10 nm after 0.5 h and approximately 260 ± 20 nm after 1 h of ZnO vapors condensation. These Si/ZnO core-shell NWs exhibit a rough surface due to the ZnO NPs coating (inset in Figure 2b). Further increase in ZnO growth time to 1.5 h induced the growth of ZnO NRs from the In/Si NWs surface, resulting in the formation of Si/ZnO hierarchical core-shell NWs. The NRs with an average diameter 32 ± 10 nm and lengths varying from tens to approximately 500 nm are randomly elongated from the surface of the NWs.