43-46 The overall pattern has been interpreted as indicative of a frontotemporo-parietal dysfunction, against a background of a more global impairment. Table III Table III. Diagnostic criteria for the deficit syndrome of schizophrenia.40,41 Statistically derived symptom dimensions or clusters Factor analysis and related methods
reduce any correlations present within the data matrix to covariances Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of a small number of latent factors which account for the interrelationships among the primary variables and explain a proportion of their variance. Based on a relatively small number of input variables (SANS/SAPS scores), a three-factor structure has been proposed47 and subsequently replicated.48-50 In this model, negative symptoms load on a single factor of “psychomotor
poverty,” while positive symptoms split into a delusions-andhallucinations factor (“reality distortion”) and a thought-and-speech disorder factor (“disorganization”). The model has been shown to be stable and replicable in non-European populations.51,52 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The output of factor analyses of symptomatology depends strongly on the content of the input – studies using SANS and SAPS result in different solutions from those based on scales such as the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS), Brief Psychiatric Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Rating Scale (BPRS), or Operational Criteria Checklist (OPCRIT). In a large sample of schizophrenia probands, McGrath et al53 identified 5 factors (positive,
negative, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical disorganized, affective, and early onset/developmental) associated with risk of psychoses and affective disorders in relatives. In a series of factor analyses based on an expanded list of 64 psychopathological symptoms, Cuesta and Peralta54 concluded that a hierarchical 10-dimensional model provided the best fit on statistical and selleck chemicals Lenalidomide clinical grounds. Factor Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical solutions, therefore, are not unique and the question “how many factors parsimoniously describe the symptomatology of schizophrenia?” can only be answered in the context of the particular selection of symptoms and measurement methods. Therefore, factoranalytical studies suggesting “established” dimensions or syndromes of schizophrenia should be viewed with caution, considering the diversity of clinical populations and the limitations of the instruments used to generate Batimastat the input data. Whereas factor analysis groups variables, cluster analysis groups individuals on the basis of maximum shared characteristics. Farmer et al55 identified two clusters into which patients with schizophrenia could be fitted, based on scores of 20 symptom and history items: one characterized by good premorbid adjustment, later onset, and well organized delusions, and another including early onset, poor premorbid functioning, incoherent speech, bizarre behavior, and family history of schizophrenia.