, 1995; Rani et al., 2007; Stewart & Franklin, 2008). Metabolomic techniques such as near- and mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (Forouzangohar et al., 2009), nuclear magnetic resonance, or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Viant et al., 2003; Viant, 2008; Wooley et al., 2010) can provide measurements for very small volumes of environmental samples, but they only provide for a fraction of the thousands of metabolites potentially present (Viant, 2008). At the opposite end of the physical scale, remote sensing, recognized as the only
tool for gathering data over extensive spatial and temporal scales (Graetz, 1990), collects data measuring electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted from earth’s surface, without direct physical contact with objects or phenomena under investigation. Remotely sensed imagery Selleck Small molecule library can provide a synoptic view of landscapes, enabling data acquisition over large expanses and/or physically inaccessible areas. Recent Trichostatin A purchase technological advances permit acquisition of imagery with spatial resolution as fine as 60 cm2 and temporal resolution as high as once a day when using a satellite platform. Ongoing environmental monitoring projects that focus on using high-throughput sequencing
techniques and continuous collection of contextual metadata to explore microbial life (e.g. The Global Ocean Survey (http://www.jcvi.org/cms/research/projects/gos), Tara Oceans (http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/), the Hawaiian Ocean Time Series (http://hahana.soest.hawaii.edu/hot), the Bermudan Ocean Time Series (http://bats.bios.edu), Western Channel Observatory (http://www.westernchannelobservatory.org.uk/),
and The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON; http://www.neoninc.org)) are generating huge quantities of data on the dynamics of microbial communities in ecosystems across local, continental, and global scales. Recently, studies of coastal marine systems (Gilbert et al., 2010, 2011; Caporaso et al., 2011a, b, c), the human microbiome (Caporaso et al., 2011a, b, c), animal rumen (Hess et al., 2011), and Arctic tundra (Graham et al., 2011; Mackelprang et al., 2011) provide ifenprodil examples of the data density (both sequencing-based and contextual metadata) required to characterize microbial community structure in complex ecosystems. Modeling approaches to microbial ecosystems can be grouped into four broad categories (Fig. 2). While the specific boundaries in time or space that separate one scale of microbial modeling from another are somewhat arbitrary, modeling approaches can be grouped by their distinct approaches to representing microbial processes and their relationships with their environments. Metabolic models investigate how a single microbial cell interacts with its environment. The ultimate single cell model is one that encapsulates the full potential biochemical reactions within the cell that result in its phenotype and interactions with environmental factors and available nutrients.