01 2.21 3.02 47.22 −0.97 −16.04 −47.65 −25.47 22.78 609.42 5.06 −29.69 −0.56 −5.43 41.32 5.61 −19.94 −48.04 −29.81 25.42 652.95 5.55 −29.21 −7.08 −10.67 53.45 12.48 5.53 −36.92 −28.05 29.41 Nanofluids boiling heat transfer in minichannels Nanofluid is prepared and used as a working fluid for the boiling apparatus. Silver nanoparticles with 35 nm diameter are dispersed in the deionized water JIB04 in vitro base solution. Figure 11 shows the silver nanoparticles photo used in this work. An ultrasonic vibrator is used for about one day to selleck compound insure the best dispersion of the silver nanoparticles in the deionized water. Moreover,
nanofluid is directly tested after preparation since the nanoparticles would coagulate VX770 together to form big particles. Experiments are conducted to measure nanofluid boiling heat transfer with two nanoparticle concentrations of 50 mg/L and 25 mg/L corresponding to 0.000475% and 0.000237% nanoparticle volume fractions, respectively, which are quite low compared to those used for boiling in minichannels by previous research works. No dispersant fluid is added during the nanofluid preparation. For each concentration, nanofluid mass flux is varied at the inlet of the minichannels, and the test section is cleaned after each experiment using deionized water. Figure 11 Silver nanoparticles with an average diameter of 35 nm. Effect of silver nanoparticles on the local heat
transfer Among the various equations defined in the literature to compute the physical properties of nanofluid, the most used correlations have been retained in this work to estimate nanofluid properties. The following equations are used to calculate the nanofluid thermal conductivity, dynamic viscosity, density,
and specific heat respectively [24, 37]: (29) where n = 3 for spherical nanoparticle, (30) (31) (32) where λ is the thermal conductivity, ϕ is the nanoparticle volume fraction, μ b is the viscosity of the base fluid, ρ is the density, and C p is PD184352 (CI-1040) the specific heat capacity. Table 5 shows the physical properties of water base fluid and silver-water nanofluids with different nanoparticle volume fractions. Table 5 Pure water and nanofluid properties at 100 kPa and 60°C Water Silver nanoparticles Silver nanofluid (C = 25 mg/L) Silver nanofluid (C = 50 mg/L) Effective thermal conductivity λ (mw/mK) 603 429 603.427 603.856 Density ρ (kg/m3) 996 10490 998.25 1000.51 Dynamic viscosity μ (kg/ms) 7.977 × 10−4 – 0.000798 0.0008 Specific heat, C p (J/kgK) 4,182 233 4181.064 4180.124 Figure 12a,b,c presents distributions of the local heat transfer coefficient, local surface temperature, and local vapor quality respectively along the minichannel length. Each figure compares the experimental data obtained for boiling flow of pure water to those of nanofluids with 25 and 50 mg/L silver concentrations. The inlet working fluid mass flux is 348 kg/m2s with an input heat power of 200 W.