After that spermatogenesis dysfunction model induced by ornidazole was established with the aim to study the correlation of CNP with spermatogenic dysfunction. Then, Sertoli cells from 18- to 22-day-old healthy male rats were cultured in the presence of different CNP concentrations (1 x 10(-6), 1 x 10(-7) and 1 x 10(-8) mol l(-1)), and the mRNA expression levels of androgen-binding
protein, inhibin B and transferrin were examined at 0 min, 30 min, 1 h, Fedratinib 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h. During the postnatal development of rat testes, the highest mRNA expression levels of CNP and NPR-B were found at postnatal D(0), and the levels then declined gradually, with a second CNP peak at postnatal D(35). In the ornidazole-induced
infertile rat testes, CNP gene expression was lower than in the uninduced rats (P < 0.05), while NPR-B gene expression was greater (P FK228 datasheet < 0.05). In cultured Sertoli cells, supplementation with CNP stimulated the gene expression of androgen-binding protein/inhibin B/transferrin, particularly at 12 h, and 1 x 10(-7) mol l(-1) CNP had the highest upregulation effect. The gene expression levels of CNP/NPR-B in rat testes at different postnatal stages and in infertile rat testes indicated that CNP may participate in the physiology and/or pathology related to spermatogenesis. Moreover, CNP regulated endocrine function in Sertoli cells. Taken together, these results showed that CNP is closely tied to spermatogenesis. Asian
Journal of Andrology (2011) 13, 275-280; doi:10.1038/aja.2010.147; published online 20 December 2010″
“We studied the responses of the activities of adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) sulfurylase (ATPS) and serine acetyltransferase (SAT) to cadmium (Cd) levels and treatment time in hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) Sedum alfredii Hance, as compared with its non-hyperaccumulating OSI-744 ic50 ecotype (NHE). The results show that plant growth was inhibited in NHE but promoted in HE when exposed to high Cd level. Cd concentrations in leaves and shoots rapidly increased in HE rather than in NHE, and they became much higher in HE than in NHE along with increasing treatment time and Cd supply levels. ATPS activity was higher in HE than in NHE in all Cd treatments, and increased with increasing Cd supply levels in both HE and NHE when exposed to Cd treatment within 8 h. However, a marked difference of ATPS activity between HE and NHE was found with Cd treatment for 168 h, where ATPS activity increased in HE but decreased in NHE. Similarly, SAT activity was higher in HE than in NHE at all Cd treatments, but was more sensitive in NHE than in HE. Both ATPS and SAT activities in NHE leaves tended to decrease with increasing treatment time after 8 h at all Cd levels. The results reveal the different responses in sulfur assimilation enzymes and Cd accumulation between HE and NHE.