Acetate- and MCA- transport systems have different substrate Ralimetinib specificities In order to conclude that the transports of acetate and MCA were executed by different systems, competing solute analysis was used to deduce the substrate specificities of the induced acetate- and the MCA- transport systems in MBA4. Acetate uptakes were determined for both acetate- and MCA-grown cells. MCA uptakes were determined only for MCA-grown cells because acetate-grown cells have no MCA-uptake activity. Competing solutes that exhibit structural similarity to acetate or propionate
were selected. Acetate uptake of acetate-grown cells was significantly inhibited by acetate and propionate, with an inhibition of 91% and 90%, respectively (Figure 3A). When MCA-grown cells were used, a similar pattern was observed for acetate uptake. Only acetate and propionate served as effective inhibitors (Figure 3B). When MCA-grown cells were used for MCA-uptake assays, acetate, MCA, MBA, propionate, 2MCPA and butyrate acted as efficient inhibitors.
In addition, glycolate, lactate, and pyruvate also had moderate inhibitory effects on MCA uptake as previously reported [12] (Figure 3C). These results showed that the acetate-uptake Selleck H 89 activity was inhibited only by acetate and propionate while the MCA-transport system was inhibited by substrates that display a similar structure as haloacetate. Figure 3 Inhibition of acetate- and MCA- uptake by other solutes. Uptakes of 50 μM of [2- 14 C] labelled acetate or MCA were PLX3397 research buy determined in the presence of competing
solutes. The assays were conducted for 1 min. Competing solutes were added to a final concentration of 0.5 mM. Competing Oxymatrine solutes used were: ethanol, formate, glycolate, lactate, pyruvate, succinate, acetate, MCA, MBA, propionate, 2MCPA, butyrate, and valerate. Uptake rates without competitor were used as the controls. Data shown are the means of three independent experiments, and the error bars represent the standard deviations. (A) Acetate uptake of acetate-grown cells; (B) Acetate uptake of MCA-grown cells; (C) MCA uptake of MCA-grown cells. Transmembrane electrochemical potential is a driving force for both acetate- and MCA- transport During the characterization of the haloacid operon of MBA4, a protonophore, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), was shown to abolish the MCA-uptake activity of MBA4 (M. Yu, unpublished). The effect of CCCP on acetate uptake was duly investigated. Figure 4 shows that the inclusion of increasing amount of CCCP in uptake assays for acetate- and MCA-grown cells, the acetate-uptake rates decreased accordingly. The uptake activities were completely abolished when 25 μM of CCCP were supplemented in the reactions. As CCCP collapses the proton gradients across the cell membrane [19], acetate uptake in MBA4 is likely to be dependent on the transmembrane electrochemical potentials, a condition similar to that of MCA uptake.