Better Selleck ATM Kinase Inhibitor understanding the process and mechanisms of Se biofilm self-renewal in patients will help us develop more effective strategies against Se biofilm-related infection. Acknowledgement This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientist of China (81101791 to Z.Q.). Z.Q. was also supported by the DANIDA fellowship during his visit at DTU. L.Y. was supported by a grant from the Danish Research Council
for Independent Research (09-073917). Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Figure S1. S. epidermidis 1457 agr mutation does not affect bacterial growth. Growth curves for S. epidermidis 1457 wild type and agr mutant and agr/atlE double mutant cultivated in TSB batch cultures are shown. Capmatinib in vitro Data shown represent one of 3 independent experiments. (TIFF 62 KB) Additional file 2: Figure S2. S. epidermidis isolates associated with catheter infection exhibit differential expression of genes associated with biofilm formation. The expression profiles of RNAIII, atlE and icaA were compared for 6-d biofilm cells of laboratory strain and clinical isolates using qRT-PCR as described in Methods. Error bars represent the S.E.M.
for three independent experiments. (TIFF 97 KB) Additional file 3: Figure S3. S. epidermidis agr system regulates cell autolysis through atlE. Triton X-100 induced cell autolysis assays were performed as described in Methods, and error bars represent the S.E.M. for three independent experiments. (TIFF 77 KB) Additional file 4: Figure S4. Sequence alignment analysis of agr conserved regions from ATCC 35984, Se-1, Se-2 and Se-3. The agr conserved regions Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II were amplified
and sequenced as described in Methods, then alignment analysis was performed by using Vector NTI Advance 9 software (Invitrogen). (PDF 69 KB) Additional file 5: Table S1. Primer sequences for qRT-PCR in this study. (DOCX 16 KB) References 1. Raad II, Bodey GP: Infectious complications of indwelling vascular catheters. Clin Infect Dis 1992,15(2):197–208.PubMedCrossRef 2. Rupp ME, Archer GL: Coagulase-negative staphylococci: pathogens associated with medical progress. Clin Infect Dis 1994,19(2):231–243. quiz 244–235PubMedCrossRef 3. von Eiff C, Peters G, Heilmann C: Pathogenesis of infections due to coagulase-negative staphylococci. Lancet Infect Dis 2002,2(11):677–685.PubMedCrossRef 4. Vadyvaloo V, Otto M: Molecular genetics of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms on indwelling medical devices. Int J Artif Organs 2005,28(11):1069–1078.PubMed 5. Gotz F: Staphylococcus and biofilms. Mol Microbiol 2002,43(6):1367–1378.PubMedCrossRef 6.