Figure 3 The optical absorption enhancement on thickness of 100-n

Figure 3 The optical absorption enhancement on thickness of 100-nm a-Si:H thin film. The film is with an array of (a) 100 × 100 × 100 nm cubic blocks; (b) both height and diameter of 100-nm cylinders. The role of the incident angle of the light in the LT is investigated, too. We keep the azimuthally angle φ to zero and vary the incident angle. The optical absorption enhancement of the incident angles of 0°, 30°, and 45° are shown in Figure 4. The FDTD simulations

show that the absorption CYT387 order efficiency of the incident angle of 45° is highest over the spectra, and the enhancement in the red light region is significant. This can be understood as the surface plasmon can be induced higher efficiently by the incident light with a bigger angle (see Equation 1). Figure 4 Optical absorption of 100-nm thick a-Si:H thin film. The film is with metallic nano-blocks for the incident light at various incident angles. Results and discussion Optical absorption in thin a-Si:H film enhanced by metallic nano-particles was investigated by simulations. The investigation of the scattering of metallic spherical particles shows that it is possible to provide larger

scattering INCB28060 nmr cross-section than geometry and absorption cross-sections for particles with a diameter of 100 nm or bigger. The scattering of metallic nano-particles makes the light travel in the thin film in a longer path; therefore, higher optical absorption occurs due to more opportunities of the light to interact with the medium. Besides the scattering, the metallic nano-particles convert part of the incident light to surface plasmons, which propagate on the surface of the thin film and in the thin film. The FDTD selleck chemical simulations of the metallic nano-particles show that the absorption of the red spectrum is enhanced by the nano-particles (nano-blocks and nano-cylinders). For the height Selleckchem Cobimetinib of 100 nm, particles have significant enhancement for red-light absorption.

Conclusions Our study shows that the dominant enhancement effect comes from the surface plasmon resonance while the scattering contributed partial enhancement, and it is the main reason of using metallic particles which not only induce surface plasmons but also scatter incident light. We also study the optical absorption enhancement for incident light with an angle. It shows that the 45° incident light has better enhancement in the red light; this could be mainly because the coupling efficiency of light to the surface plasmons is higher due to the wave vector of the surface plasmons as described in Equation 1. Our study indicates that the optical absorption can be enhanced in the red spectrum with metallic particles of a high coupling efficiency from light to surface plasmon. In order to achieve this, one has to carefully select the type of metal and the structure and size of the particles.

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