These plasmids were introduced by protoplast transformation into

These plasmids were introduced by protoplast transformation into thermophilic Streptomyces strains. Cloning and heterologous expression of the actinorhodin gene cluster in thermophilic Streptomyces pHAQ31 [47] contained an E.coli replication selleck inhibitor origin and two cos sites of Supercos1 [48] and Streptomyces selection markers melC/tsr genes [31]. pHAQ31-derived cosmid N7-85 contained the whole actinorhodin biosynthetic gene cluster (5510413-5543521 bp) from S. coelicolor A3(2). A 3.4-kb XbaI/NheI fragment containing the phage фC31 integrase gene of pSET152 was cloned in a XbaI site of N7-85. The resulting plasmid,

pCWH74, was introduced by conjugation from E. coli into thermophilic Streptomyces strains [38], which were cultured on R2YE (sucrose 103 g, K2SO4 0.25 g, MgCl2.6H2O 10.12 g, glucose 10 g, Difco Casaminoacids 0.1 g, trace element solution 2 ml, Difco yeast extract 5 g, TES GANT61 5.73 g, agar 22 g, H2O to 1000 ml, after autoclave and add 0.5% KH2PO4 5 ml, 5 M CaCl2.2H2O 4 ml, 20% L-proline 15 ml, 1N NaOH 7 ml) and MS media at 30,

37 and 45°C to detect blue actinorhodin pigment. To quantitate the production of actinorhodin, about 1 × 106 spores of M145 and 4F containing pCWH74 were inoculated into 50 ml R2YE liquid medium (lacking KH2PO4 and CaCl2) at 30 and 37°C; 1 ml culture was find protocol harvested in a time-course and treated with KOH, whereupon absorption at OD640 indicated actinorhodin production [39]. Heterologous expression of the anthramycin biosynthetic gene cluster in thermophilic Telomerase Streptomyces An integrating cosmid, 024COA-3, containing the whole anthramycin biosynthetic gene cluster (EU195114.1, 1-33150 bp) (kindly provided by Prof. Brian Bachmann) was introduced by conjugation from E. coli into strain

4F [38]. Detection of anthramycin production followed Hu et al. [41]. After culturing in AP1 (corn starch 10 g, 2% peptonized milk, yeast extract powder 30 g, H2O to 1000 ml, pH7) medium at 47°C for 24 h, mycelium was extracted, dried and re-dissolved in MeOH. Anthramycin was first isolated on a HPLC column (Zorbax eclips 1.8 μm XDB-C18) and then mass spectrometry was performed using 6520 Agilent Accurate-Mass Q-TOF LC/MS. Anthramycin was separated by using a Zorbax eclips 1.8 μm XDB-C18 with a linear water-acetonitrile gradient containing 10 mM ammonium acetate (0.2 ml/min). The electrospray needle of the mass spectrometer was at 4000 V, the voltage of the skimmer was set to 65 V, Oct RF Vpp750V, collision ev 45 V, nebulizer pressure at 45 psig, and drying gas N2 350°C 9 L/min. Acknowledgements We are very grateful to Sir David Hopwood for critical reading of and useful suggestions and corrections on the manuscript.

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