For each set, we computed the summed fraction of shared spacer groups comparing randomly chosen skin spacers with randomly chosen salivary spacers, and from these computed an empirical null distribution of statistics. The fraction computed in each of 10,000 iterations resulted from the random sampling of 1000 spacer groups. The standard deviation was computed from the percentage buy ABT-888 of shared spacer groups over the 10,000 iterations. The simulated statistics for the skin and saliva in each subject were referred to the null distribution comparing skin and salivary spacers, and the p value was computed as the fraction of times the simulated statistic
for the each exceeded the null distribution. The same technique was utilized for 16S rRNA OTUs and to test the proportions
of shared spacers in each subject by time of day. To determine a relative rate at which new spacers were identified in each subject and sample type, we estimated the number of shared spacers between two samples (observed at different times). A naive estimate that simply computes the number of spacers observed at both times or each time exclusively to estimate these quantities does not take into account statistical variation in spacer content due to sampling depth, or the chance that a spacer will not be observed due to Poisson sampling. To selleck chemical estimate this bias, n10, n01 and n11 respectively denote the number of spacer groups present at the first sampling time point and not the second, the second but not the first, and both samples. By using the empirical estimates of these quantities, we could Selleckchem GSK2118436 correct for any underestimates from using the observed numbers of spacer groups. We therefore used a statistical model to correct for this bias and estimate the rate of change between spacer populations. To estimate each of these three quantities, we used statistics s10, s01, s11 representing the observed numbers of spacer
groups in each category, but each was necessarily an underestimate of Atazanavir n10, n01 and n11. p and q denote the probabilities of seeing a spacer group if it is present at time 0 or time 1. The expectation of each can be calculated as: E(s01) = (((1-q)*n01) + ((1-p)*(q*n11))), E(s10) = (((1-p)*n10) + ((1-q)*(p* n11)), and E(s11) = (p*q*n11), where p = 1/N sum_i e^-lambda_i for sample 1 and q = 1/N sum_i e^-lambda_i for sample 2, where lambda_i is the depth that spacer group i is sampled. These estimates were used to determine the proportion of spacers shared between consecutive time points for each subject and sample type. Comparisons of the mean percentages of shared spacers and standard error rates in different subjects or between the skin and saliva of each subject were performed using Microsoft Excel 2007 (Microsoft Corp., Redman, WA).