Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Universitat de Barcelona Bar

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain Levels or the cyclic nucleotides cGMP or cAMP that play LDK378 concentration important roles

in memory processes are not characterized in Alzheimer′s disease (AD). The aim of this study was to analyze the levels of these nucleotides in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from patients diagnosed with clinical and prodromal stages of AD and study the expression level of the enzymes that hydrolized them (phosphodiesterases: PDEs) in the brain of AD patients vs controls. For cGMP and cAMP CSF analysis the cohort (n=79) included cognitively normal participants (SCI), individuals with mild cognitive impairment stable or AD converters (sMCI and cMCI) and mild AD patients.

A high throughput liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method (LC-MS/MS) was used. Interactions between CSF cGMP or cAMP with MMSE score, CSF Aβ(1-42), and CSF p-tau were analyzed. For PDE4, 5, 9 and 10 expression analysis, brains of AD patients vs controls (n=7 and n=8) were used. cGMP, and not cAMP levels, were significantly lower in the CSF of patients diagnosed with mild-AD when compared to non-demented controls. CSF levels of cGMP showed a significant association with MMSE-diagnosed clinical dementia and with CSF biomarker Aβ42 in AD patients. Significant increase in PDE5 expression was detected check details in temporal cortex of AD patients compared to that of age-matched healthy control subjects. No changes in the expression of others PDEs were detected. These results support the potential involvement of cGMP in the pathological and clinical development of AD. The cGMP reduction in early stages

of AD might participate in the aggravation of amyloid pathology and cognitive decline. “
“Edited by Arie Perry and Daniel J. Brat . Practical Surgical Neuropathology: A Diagnostic Approach . Churchill Livingstone Elsevier , Philadelphia, PA , 2010 . 656 Pages. Price £183.35 ( hardback) ( ). ISBN 10 : 0-443-06982-4 ; ISBN to 13 : 978-0-443-06982-6 I will be honest. I had not expected to like this book. At approximately 570 pages of text, it sits between small books such as Escourolle and Poirier[1], Adams and Graham’s[2] and of course the WHO Tumour Classification[3], and reference texts such as Ellison and Love[4], and Greenfield[5]. Neuropathology is a small discipline with a reasonable number of well-written specialist texts, and sections in books with wider remit. I was not sure that there was a need for an ‘in-betweener’. I was quickly proved wrong.

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