This peptide FRTP[pS]FLKK is, except for the first amino acid, id

This peptide FRTP[pS]FLKK is, except for the first amino acid, identical to the core sequence of the MARCKS domain of Drosophila Hts-M (see Figure 1A). We refer to this

antibody as Hts-pSer703 based on the position of the phosphorylated Serine in the Drosophila Hts-M sequence. First, we demonstrate that Hts-pSer703 is indeed a phosphospecific Hts antibody that works in situ at the Drosophila NMJ ( Figures S7A and S7B). Hts-pSer703 staining is observed both in the presynaptic motor nerve and throughout buy Lumacaftor the muscle ( Figure S7A), where it colocalizes with Hts-M. Importantly, all staining is absent in hts mutant animals indicating specificity for Drosophila Hts-M ( Figure S7B). To demonstrate that Hts-pSer703 only recognizes phosphorylated Hts-M, we analyzed larval brain extracts in the presence or absence of λ-phosphatase. The λ-phosphatase treatment completely abolishes any signal on the western blot ( Figure 7E). In addition, a small downshift of the Hts-M protein can be detected when analyzing the extract with a general Hts antibody, suggesting several phosphorylations of Hts-M in vivo ( Figure 7E, right blot Hts1B1). Therefore, we can conclude that a subset of Hts-M is phosphorylated both in the presynaptic nerve and in postsynaptic muscle. In order to determine whether phosphorylated Hts-M is present within the presynaptic nerve terminal, we used our presynaptic rescue assay

that allows the visualization of presynaptic Hts-M protein in absence of postsynaptic Hts-M protein. We first examined Forskolin clinical trial type II and III terminals on muscle 12/13 that are most sensitive to Hts-M GDC-0973 cost overexpression (see above; Figures 7B–7D). We observe Hts-M and Hts-pSer703 staining throughout the terminal of both type II and type III boutons (Figure 7F). Interestingly, while Hts-M is clearly present in type Is and Ib terminals on the same muscles, we do not observe significant levels of Hts-pSer703 staining in these boutons. Similarly,

if we analyze Hts-M and Hts-pSer703 in type Ib boutons on muscle 4, we find that Hts-pSer703 staining is restricted to the motor nerve and stops just prior to where the motoneuron contacts the muscle cell. There is no or only very low levels of phosphorylated Hts-M protein in the presynaptic terminal of type Ib boutons, although there is clearly abundant Hts-M protein within the presynaptic nerve terminal (Figure S7C). We conclude that Hts-M is dephosphorylated within type Ib boutons. We hypothesize, therefore, that Hts-M may be regulated by posttranslational phosphorylation within small-caliber type II and type III terminals, and possibly maintained in a dephosphorylated state in type Ib boutons. This differential regulation may account for the enhanced dynamics and plasticity of type II and III nerve terminals compared to the larger caliber type Ib terminals.

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