The increase in synchrony of both pyramidal cells and interneurons from non-REMn to non-REMn+1 was selleck products significantly correlated with the theta and gamma (around
40 Hz) power of the interleaving REM episode but not the power of other frequencies (Figures 4C and 4D). To examine how the rate change of individual neurons across sleep was related to their network pattern-related activity during REM sleep, we introduced the method of spike-weighted spectra (SpWS) by relating the instantaneous firing rates of single cells to the power distribution of the simultaneously detected LFP. LFP spectra and firing rates of individual pyramidal cells were computed in 1 s bins with 0.5 s overlap during REM (Figure S4 and Supplemental Experimental Procedures). For normalization purposes, the LFP spectrograms were Z scored independently for each frequency band and the LFP power spectrum was multiplied bin-by-bin by the neuron’s within-bin firing rate and divided by its overall REM rate (see Figure S4). Since power in each frequency of SpWS is first Z scored, stochastic firing results in power nearing zero, while positive values for a given
SpWS frequency band reflect a cell’s selective firing preference in that band. To quantify the relationship between the neuron’s frequency preference during REM sleep and its firing pattern change across sleep, we normalized the correlation between the neuron’s SpWS in REM selleck inhibitor and its rate change between the first and last non-REM episodes of sleep by the neuron’s REM mean firing rate (see Supplemental Experimental Procedures for the “partialization” procedure). These partial correlations were computed separately for changes occurring across sleep in either within-ripple or between-ripple firing rates (n = 22 sleep sessions). Pyramidal cells with firing rates less than 0.4 Hz during REM (n = 281 of 618 cells) were excluded from the SpWS analysis. The SpWS analyses Resveratrol ( Figure 4E; see also Figure S4) demonstrated that within the
same population of simultaneously recorded pyramidal cells, the across-sleep decrease of between-ripple firing rate was correlated with the pyramidal neurons’ preference to discharge selectively during high-power theta (∼5–10 Hz) and gamma epochs during REM. Similarly, a neuron’s theta and gamma power preference reliably predicted its across-sleep firing rate increase within ripples ( Figure 4E). We found that firing rate changes during sleep display a sawtooth pattern, so that the modest increase in discharge activity within non-REM episodes are overcome by the larger rate deceleration within the intervening REM episodes, resulting in an overall rate decrease during the course of sleep. Theta power of REM sleep is coupled with an increase in synchrony and decrease in rate variability of pyramidal cells during the brief ripple events across sleep.