2 �� 10?3molL?1. Hence, the required concentration was achieved by the addition of 1.2mL of 0.015 molL?1 molybdate solution (Figure 4). Similarly, the effect of Sb (III) concentration on the complex formation was also studied and the maximum absorbance value for sample was observed at 1 �� 10?3molL?1 concentration. It was achieved by adding 0.2mL compound libraries of 0.008molL?1 Sb (III) solution.Figure 4Effect of molybdate concentration.3.1.4. Effect of Ascorbic Acid Various reducing agents like sulfate and ascorbic acid were used to reduce the arsenomolybdate to arsenomolybdenum blue. Ascorbic acid is preferred over sulfate because sulfate is a good reducing agent in neutral condition whereas the complex formation takes place at acidic condition. The optimum concentration of ascorbic acid required for the complex formation has been found to be 4 �� 10?3molL?1.
The required concentration has been achieved by the addition of 0.4mL of 0.01molL?1 (Figure 5).Figure 5Effect of ascorbic acid.3.1.5. Effect of Time and Temperature on Cloud Point Extraction The effects of time and temperature on the cloud point extraction of arsenomolybdenum blue complex from the aqueous phase into micellar phase have been studied. The cloud point formation occurs at room temperature as Triton X-114 cloud point temperature at room temperature. Then, CPE of the complex is going to complete within 10min, that is, centrifuging the solution for 5min at 3800rpm to separate aqueous phase from micellar phase and cooling the separated micellar and aqueous phase in ice bath for 5min in order to increase the viscosity of the surfactant phase which facilitates easy decantation of aqueous phase from the tube.
The separated surfactant phase should be dissolved in suitable organic solvents to decrease the viscosity in order to measure its absorbance value. Various solvents like ethanol, methanol, and acetonitrile were tested. Among these, ethanol has been found to be suitable one because the complex in micellar phase gets homogenized in less volume compared to acetonitrile and methanol. The ethanol-assisted homogenized solution was diluted to 5mL, and its absorbance was measured at 690nm against a reagent blank.3.2. Efficiency of Clod Point ExtractionThe efficiency of cloud point extraction mainly depends on the hydrophobic GSK-3 nature of the analyte, apparent equilibrium constants in the micellar medium, the kinetics of the complex formation, and the transference between the phases [17]. The arsenate along with molybdate forms arsenomolybdate in acidic condition which on reduction in presence of Sb (III) gives the arsenomolybdenum blue which is hydrophobic in nature.