RT qPCR showed that expression of Mapk1, mTOR and Pik3cb genes were all significantly lower in the stressed group compared to controls. The expression level of Akt1 was not significantly selleckchem Enzalutamide altered by stress. The effects of fluoxetine on ILmPFC Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries stress induced gene changes As we found significant Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries reduction in BDNF signalling related genes in the stress group and perturbation in this pathway has been implicated in the aetiology of depres sion, we determined whether treatment with the anti depressant, fluoxetine, would alter the stress induced changes in ILmPFC BDNF related gene expression. As shown in Figure 1, fluoxetine treatment modulated the expression levels of genes involved in the neurotrophin signalling pathway.
Fluoxetine significantly reduced the effect of stress on Ntrk2, Gsk3B and Pik3cb gene expres sion in the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ILmPFC, such that the levels were not sig nificantly different to home cage controls or fluoxetine treated controls. In contrast, fluoxetine did not alter the effects of stress on the expression of Ntrk3, mTOR, Mapk1, and Braf genes. Fluoxetine administration alone also caused a significant de crease in expression levels of Ntrk3 and mTOR when compared to controls without antidepressant or stress. Fluoxetine, and fluoxetine plus stress, caused significant and similar increases in Camk2a mRNA relative to controls Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and stress. Discussion Stress is a potent risk factor for the development of de pression, but the mechanisms that progress the brains normal response to stress to the pathological state that manifests as depression are poorly understood.
Here, we have focussed on the ILmPFC to characterise gene ex pression changes following repeated, but sub chronic, episodes of stress. We based our study design on the premise that early neurobiological indices of depression, or at least of the transition Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries into a depression like state, may be detectable in a sub chronic model and we chose the PFC because of its known sensitivity to stress and its putative involvement in depression. For instance, stress causes dendritic remodelling in rat IL and other mPFC regions, synaptic plasticity impairment, and deficits in PFC mediated behaviours. Consistent with these preclinical findings, MDD suf ferers have reduced neuronal size, grey matter volume, and activity in the subgenual PFC, the neuroanatomical equivalent of the rodent ILmPFC.
To observe depression like behavioural and other changes in animals, it is necessary for the technical support animal to ex perience repeated exposure to the stressor over pro longed periods. For example, in a systematic study of the effects of stress episode duration and number of repeats, Kim and Han demonstrated that at least 14 days of 2 hour daily restraint stress were required to produce significant depression like behaviours.